مكتب رقم 12 برج بنك التنمية - حي الغدير، الرياض

Ahad network for establishment owners

Ahad network for establishment owners

Before being subject to tax

Taxes are a component and part of every business operation. The sizes of establishments and their legal status vary. There are those who carry out their activity in their personal capacity or through a commercial institution. There are those who create a company entity to provide services or sell products. Some of these facilities will be taxable and others may not be.

Start by registering your financial transactions for your activity. This registration is simple and different from accounting registration which you need to do for financial and accounting knowledge. Ahed Network is not an accounting system and does not require the presence of an accountant at this stage. All you have to do is register your sales, And record your expenses. The system will help you save and classify operations. When you need to convert these operations into accounting operations, it will be easy for the accountant to convert them without the need to go back and enter the operations again. Having this record means you have personal knowledge of your condition. It will help you answer any questions related to your commercial activity or incoming transfers that you receive from the supervisory or regulatory authorities in the Kingdom.

The presence of this record in the Ahed network, The system will enable you to determine the scope in which you must be registered for VAT. Then we will explain to you the mechanism of registration in the Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority system. We can also connect you with one of the approved service providers to assist you in the registration process.

Prepare and self-examine returns

After you register for VAT, If you prefer to prepare and examine your tax returns yourself without seeking the help of an accountant or an external consultant. The Ahed network system will assist you in this process through a simplified entry form. Which helps you ensure that the information is complete and alerts you to any process that requires verification. You will also be able to use the Ahed Network tax database to complete the missing information.

If you encounter an unclear process, Or you want additional verification before issuing the declaration. This is normally expected with your first tax returns, You will be able to request assistance through the system.

With the issuance of the declaration, you will obtain a record of all the operations included in the declaration. He recorded all notes on the operations included in the declaration. The system will also issue you a report showing you how to submit the declaration and the mechanism for amending it if necessary. As well as a list of the most important documents that you must keep and which may be requested from you if the Authority decides to examine your tax return.

Preparing declarations with the presence of an accountant

Whether your accountant is an employee at your facility or a contractor working part-time for you, Having a covenant network system will help you verify the validity of inputs, Maintaining records in a correct and uniform manner, Even if the accountant changes. Your tax return is the starting point for any examination with the Authority. Which may not happen until years have passed after submitting the declaration. The Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority has the right to refer to your old declarations. And inquire about it. Therefore, providing information in a clear and correct manner is important in your discussion with the Authority.

The accountant will be able to enter information into the system directly, As in self-preparation. Or he will be able to take advantage of the advanced input system, Which requires some accounting and tax knowledge, To speed up the input and processing process. You will be able to review the notes with the accountant and discuss them with him before you approve the statement. Or if you prefer to delegate the issuance process, He can issue a declaration, which will include notes in the attachments, as explained previously.

With this same mechanism, If there is a tax consultant in addition to the accountant, You can distribute powers between them. The accountant is responsible for entering information, The tax advisor is responsible for issuing the final declaration. All information will be kept with you. Even if the accountant or tax advisor changes.

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